Shaping Tomorrow's Value: Executive Day at sTARTUp Day 2024

On January 24, sTARTUp Day 2024 invites industry leaders to Executive Day – an exclusive event for Executive ticket holders, focusing on genuine discussions about innovation, sustainability, and collaborative development. The event invites leaders to co-create the tomorrow they envision.

Executive Day is the perfect opportunity to get a boost of inspiration before the intense two main festival days. The event takes place on January 24 at 15:00–18:00 in Gutenberg's Club in Aparaaditehas, a two-minute drive from the city center.

Thought-Provoking Keynote by Nadja Haugas

The event kicks off with an inspiring futurist keynote on the topic "Creating the Value of Tomorrow". Nadja Haugas, a multifaceted futurist, challenges leaders to envision a future that goes beyond the traditional metrics of success. Her keynote encourages a reflective approach to leadership, urging a shift away from solely profit and power-driven motives. Executives can expect to be inspired by her unique blend of critical analysis and forward-thinking insights.

Innovation Café: Conversations that Matter

As the keynote kindles imagination, it seamlessly transitions into the Innovation Café – a dynamic discussion exploring 10 themes set to reshape the future of business.

The Innovation Café format, designed based on the World Cafe methodology, promotes a collaborative and dynamic atmosphere where executives engage in structured yet interactive discussions on topics crucial for organizational success in an ever-evolving business landscape. The format encourages sharing insights and envisioning strategies for navigating challenges ahead. Executives are not just participants; they are integral contributors shaping the executive narrative of the future.

Here's a glimpse into the themes that will fuel these discussions:

  • Future Skills: Nurturing an Agile Workforce
  • Artificial Intelligence: Unleashing Innovation Alchemy
  • Blockchain: Revolutionizing Trust and Transparency
  • ESG: Fostering Sustainability and Ethical Governance
  • Big Data: Orchestrating a Symphony of Insights
  • SDGs: Aligning Business Strategies with Global Objectives
  • R&D: Leading the Innovation Frontier
  • Future Business Models: Anticipating and Adapting to Change
  • Greener Future: Integrating Sustainability into Corporate DNA
  • Survival Strategies: Crafting Adaptive Pathways

Setting the Stage for a Better Future

Executive Day serves as the prelude to sTARTUp Day 2024. The following two festival days offer an inspiring stage program, effective matchmaking opportunities, hands-on seminars and a demo area brimming with innovation. sTARTUp Day is not just a conference; it's a meeting place of ideas, expertise, and innovation where participants can network, learn and be inspired in a unique festival atmosphere.

Don't miss the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation, sustainability, and strategic growth. Join us at sTARTUp Day 2024 Executive Day to unlock the value of tomorrow, connect with peers and shape the future!

Executive Day takes place on January 24 at 15:00-18:00 in Club Gutenberg at Aparaaditehas. The event is for Executive ticket holders only – secure your ticket here.
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