Andrus Purde, Co-Founder of Outfunnel: “One can only hope that people have the patience not to take one marshmallow now but wait for two.”
Although Outfunnel is a fairly young company it already has over 50 paying customers worldwide. “We’re currently working to strengthen and grow the team and prepare for the launch of our next product," Purde tells about the future of Outfunnel.
How did you become an entrepreneur – was it something that happened naturally or was it a well-deliberated decision? What was the biggest challenge in the beginning?
I’ve always been rather entrepreneurial minded from founding a school newspaper at the age of 14 to other great activities I’ve been involved in. Until then, just being an employee made perfect sense. But now, after 20 years of experience in marketing, I had the perfect moment, a big wish and an attractive opportunity to become an entrepreneur. And well, here I am.
What kind of work environment is motivating and inspirational for you? How much does the external environment affect your productivity?
As times goes on, the inner motivation to do something, learn or achieve something gets bigger. At the same time, the external work environment is really important as well. One good reason to create your own enterprise is the opportunity to build a team and work culture based on your ideals.
For me, motivating work environment is when your work has a bigger purpose and influence and when you don’t have to deal with BS. When you are surrounded by smart people who enjoy working and learning, and things are fun as well.
I’m one of these people who believe that the most important thing in everything you do is the team. Finding good people ain’t no picnic.
How to remain motivated and be happy while doing your job?
I have learned through pain and suffering to scarcely understand my motivation and to lead it. Unfortunately, I am not that advanced in it yet to advise others. All I can say is that if you have to do a lot to be motivated and happy, you maybe should change jobs.
What are the most challenging things about being a leader and an entrepreneur for you?
I’m one of these people who believe that the most important thing in everything you do is the team. Finding good people ain’t no picnic. As a chief, I’ve dealt a lot with keeping already recruited people motivated. Even on daily basis, it’s complicated and more so with different countries and cultures.
Right now, creating a team is also a thing I tend to think about the most. By the way, there are vacancies in Outfunnel right now.
I’m inspired by...
Most of all I’m inspired by people who are not satisfied with the way things are. Not the complainers but the people who find opportunities for making things better and being a better person every day. These people inspire everywhere – at home, at work and via books, videos, arts, and presentations.
If you have to do a lot to be motivated and happy, you maybe should change jobs.
What makes you excited about the future?
I have very little demands for the future. If Tallinn-Tartu highway would become a four-lane highway, that already would be great. Regarding other questions, one can only hope that both ourselves and people around us, including politicians, entrepreneurs, and public officials have the patience not to take one marshmallow now but wait for two.
Hero of the Week is a column focused on inspirational entrepreneurial people around us – their journeys, success stories and lessons learned from failures; goals, inspiration and everything in between. Get inspired and be the Hero of your own life!